Thursday, November 15, 2012

                                         Hurricane Sandy " the super storm"

The day before the storm, mayor Bloomberg announced that Hurricane Sandy was coming and it would cause serious consequences. Many people were running to the supermarkets to get foods, flash lights, water etc. I was surprised to see the line from the supermarket to the street. When I got in the store, I heard some people were saying nothing was going to happen because the same thing happened a year ago with Hurricane Irene. I was telling them to get something because we never know what`s coming and storm like that was unpredictable. Most of them dismissed it. I knew from the book I was reading "Zeitoun" the serious consequences that Hurricane left after it hits a city. The next day, the wind was strong and was raining. I was watching the news and they were reporting that Long Island, Roackaway and New Jersey were flooding. the power cut off at Lower Manhattan. The subway also flooded and it was going to take at least a week to be restored. If I were the mayor, I would develop another transportation system because the subway system is underground and it is  vulnerable with the flood. It can be flooding anytime the city is hit by Hurricane. For those who live in those zones close to the ocean I would build a levee to protect the rising water or relocate them to the safe area. I my first essay, I made the point that New York was not prepared for climate change and the city is facing the consequences of the flood. At least 39 of loss of life and lot money were spent. Climate change is a reality and we must be aware about it and act now.

Monday, November 12, 2012

he felt that his city "New Orleans" might need him...actually that was true, he was a good support for many people.
I think ANDREINA tweet is interesting because it explained how zeitoun cared about the city and he was excited the help people in the city.