Monday, December 3, 2012

In this blog I`m going to write a paragraph about the NDAA and its similarity to Zeitoun`s experience during the hurricane.

     On December 31, 2011, President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act ( NDAA), codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into for the first time in American history. The NDAA`s dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president and all futures presidents to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield. Meanwhile, the government can come in, arrests you and hold you indefinitely with notice, no trial, no charges. In fact, according to the senate`s committee, who wrote the Act, under Bush administration, similar claims of worldwide detention authority were used to hold even a U.S citizen detained on U.S soil in military custody, and many in congress now assert that the NDAA should be used in the same way again. However, the opposite to the detention provisions came from Secretary of Defense Lean Panetta, CIA Director David Petraeus, FBI Director Robert Mueller, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, White house adviser for the counter terrorism John Brennan, and DOJ National Security Division head Lisa Monaco. I believe that these people know about security and they also know what is right but the senates ignored them. Basically, the ACLU believes that any military detention of American citizens others within the United States is unconstitutional and illegal, including under the NDAA. The essence of this point is that every American citizen must be protected and helped keep his right. In Dave Eggers book, there is quite similarity in how Zeitoun was arrested and being held and sent to prison with no charges and nobody knew where he was. As we know in the book that zeitoun was innocent what he was doing was just protecting his business, helped people and fed dogs. This case could happen if someone would be arrested and would be innocent. Everyone know that prison is not a joke. I think that if someone is arrested, he has to be charged with a crime. I understand that this law is trying to protect people from terrorism but its not everybody is suspected to be terrorist.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

                                         Hurricane Sandy " the super storm"

The day before the storm, mayor Bloomberg announced that Hurricane Sandy was coming and it would cause serious consequences. Many people were running to the supermarkets to get foods, flash lights, water etc. I was surprised to see the line from the supermarket to the street. When I got in the store, I heard some people were saying nothing was going to happen because the same thing happened a year ago with Hurricane Irene. I was telling them to get something because we never know what`s coming and storm like that was unpredictable. Most of them dismissed it. I knew from the book I was reading "Zeitoun" the serious consequences that Hurricane left after it hits a city. The next day, the wind was strong and was raining. I was watching the news and they were reporting that Long Island, Roackaway and New Jersey were flooding. the power cut off at Lower Manhattan. The subway also flooded and it was going to take at least a week to be restored. If I were the mayor, I would develop another transportation system because the subway system is underground and it is  vulnerable with the flood. It can be flooding anytime the city is hit by Hurricane. For those who live in those zones close to the ocean I would build a levee to protect the rising water or relocate them to the safe area. I my first essay, I made the point that New York was not prepared for climate change and the city is facing the consequences of the flood. At least 39 of loss of life and lot money were spent. Climate change is a reality and we must be aware about it and act now.

Monday, November 12, 2012

he felt that his city "New Orleans" might need him...actually that was true, he was a good support for many people.
I think ANDREINA tweet is interesting because it explained how zeitoun cared about the city and he was excited the help people in the city.

Monday, October 29, 2012

                         The Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

Before Hurricane Katrina, the Lower Ninth  Ward`s population was 98.3% African -American( greater New Orleans Community Data Center,2007) and many of these residents were without the means to evacuate before the storm. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin has suggested that " the Federal Government slow responded was due to prejudice toward New Orleans` large population of ethnic minorities and individuals in poverty"( Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology ,2008). Basically, as most of the city`s citizens fled the city, those without cars or the financial means to relocate were left behind. Lower Ninth Ward had faced the most devastating natural disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina and one of the deadliest ever seen in America. I believe that if the Federal government responded fast it would  have less of loss of life but it unfortunately most of the population in New Orleans are black and they still facing inequalities treatment in this country. Paradoxically, the U.S" are helping people from others countries but they  are not doing what they need to do to help people in United Stated"(Katrina,the Drive). This is frustrating for people in U.S by seeing that their authorities are not doing anything to help them in certain circumstances. This kind of devastation would not have happened in a country such United Stated because the power of the country. However people are still suffering in this country.

Sources: Journal for Social Action in Counseling Psychology Volume1, volume,2008
film Hurricane Katrina: The Drive: New Orleans Lower Ninth Ward

Monday, October 22, 2012

In class Zeitoun

This passage where the  hurricane Katrina  hit the city of New Orleans, Zeitoun " left behind saved his family properties and rescued people and animals that were in danger".
Basically, Zeitoun can be described as a hero and someone who has the responsibilities to care about others. He was himself in dangers too, having his second hand canoe paddling the city under the rain and the heavy wind believe that he could be of use, helping when needed. He would think of any danger coming to him all he was doing was to try  help. However, that was too risky for such a man with no equipments trying to rescue people instead of being with his family.  Zeitoun is " A a man who did not inspire worry in any situation" ( Eggers130). In this particular circumstances, everyone must leave this city because of hurricane Katrina, Zeitoun did not worry about this catastrophe. He stayed in the city and deal with hurricane.

Monday, October 15, 2012

            In this book Zeitoun, what we have learned about Zeitoun and Kathy so far and how their
 personalities affected their decisions as hurricane Katrina approached.
Even though, the mayor`s announcement for the population to leave the city because of the hurricane approached, Kathy was trying to persuade her husband Zeitoun to come with her and the kids to find a safe place. Unfortunately, Zeitoun didn't want to go because of his job. He had promised to finish the customers`s jobs. Kathy left him and went with the kids to her brother`s house. While she was driving in that heavy traffic because everybody wanted to scape from the hurricane, Zeitoun was relaxing at home after he finished his job. Zeitoun was very optimistic, he thought that nothing was going to happened. He was also loyal and honest about his job. But in this particular situation no matter what you involved in you had to leave it and  be with your family and the customers would not complain about it because that was an emergency case, The only think he could do was to be with his family and try to find a safe place. In contrary, Kathy  that she was a good mother who cared about her family. I said that because we knew that the hurricane was coming and we didn't   know what its going to leave as the consequences so the best thing was to leave as the mayor said.

Monday, October 8, 2012

My name is Daouda, I am a student at Laguardia Community College. In this blog I am responding to an assignment in my ENG 101 composition class on climate change. The assignment asked me to write an essay about the science of the climate change referring to the evidence of the scientific consensus of the climate change and the "Anthropocene" from "The Global Warming Reader" by Bill McKibben.

The world biggest crisis is global warming, climate change. The fact is that we have noticed everyday in the world the natural disasters are happening, the temperature is increasing, the seas level rising making the habitation impossible in some islands, diseases etc...(P9-10 introduction the Global Warming Reader)
However, it was written by the scientific consensus on climate change that in the reports on the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change that human activities are the main cause of the climate change . The increase of the greenhouse gas concentrations transformed to carbon dioxide is  causing  the warming. (scientific consensus on climate change). Moreover, the atmosphere is polluted by the carbon dioxide that we are using everyday for  our activities. 
According to the "Anthropocene" the nature is being modifying by human action. The world population increases and half of the land surface have been transformed by human action.(P70) The "Anthropocene" Meaning while, the burning of oil and coal is affecting the atmosphere and make the temperature warmer.
To sum up, human activities are the main caused of the climate change and the scientists have proved it by giving evidences. greenhouse gases harm the atmosphere and affect human`life. Therefore, to save the earth we need to protect our nature.