Monday, October 15, 2012

            In this book Zeitoun, what we have learned about Zeitoun and Kathy so far and how their
 personalities affected their decisions as hurricane Katrina approached.
Even though, the mayor`s announcement for the population to leave the city because of the hurricane approached, Kathy was trying to persuade her husband Zeitoun to come with her and the kids to find a safe place. Unfortunately, Zeitoun didn't want to go because of his job. He had promised to finish the customers`s jobs. Kathy left him and went with the kids to her brother`s house. While she was driving in that heavy traffic because everybody wanted to scape from the hurricane, Zeitoun was relaxing at home after he finished his job. Zeitoun was very optimistic, he thought that nothing was going to happened. He was also loyal and honest about his job. But in this particular situation no matter what you involved in you had to leave it and  be with your family and the customers would not complain about it because that was an emergency case, The only think he could do was to be with his family and try to find a safe place. In contrary, Kathy  that she was a good mother who cared about her family. I said that because we knew that the hurricane was coming and we didn't   know what its going to leave as the consequences so the best thing was to leave as the mayor said.

1 comment:

  1. Nice might consider adding a revision of this to your second essay assignment.
