Wednesday, September 26, 2012

        My name is Daouda GAYE, I am student at Laguardia Community College. In this blog, I am responding to an assignment on my ENG101 composition class on climate change. The assignment asks me to write an essay to explain the science of climate change. I am going to explain the effects of the global warming and the climate change, the scientific consensus and the anthropocene.                                           

     Over the last past years until now, the world has been facing of two major crisis: global warming and climate change. We have been seeing everyday around the world natural disasters and catastrophes are hitting human life. Flooding. temperature increasing and sea level rising. In fact, around the world we can already see the widespread effects of this warmer, wilder weather on human life:
. Crop yields have become erratic, serious busts as the heat waves wipe out whole growing regions.
.Mosquito-borne diseases, for example dengue fever, have spread rapidly, and have now reappeared even in North America.
. Political tensions have begun to flare over water shortages and refugees fears: India, for instance, has constructed a wall o its boundary with Bangladesh, a country exquisitely vulnerable to global warming.
. Small, low- lying island have been evacuated as rising seas have made habitation impossible.
However, to face the world biggest crisis, action need to be taken. Therefore, there is not effect without cause. Otherwise, scientists have come up with consensus about the global warming and climate change. The principal cause is human activities are destroying the nature by com busting coal, gas and oil. in fact, the scientific consensus is clearly expressed in the report of the inter government Panel on climate change (IPCC). Created in 1988 by the world Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme, IPCC`s purpose is to evaluate the state of climate science as a basis for informed policy action, primarily on the basis of per-reviewed and published scientific literature. In its most recent assessment, IPCC states unequivocally that the consensus of scientific opinion is that earth`s climate is being affected by human activities. Human activities are modifying the concentration of atmospheric constituents that absorbs or scatter radiant energy. Most of the observed warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. On top of that, the" anthropocene" is one of the causes of the climate change.According to G.P. Marsh already in 1894 published a book with the little"Man and Nature", more recently reprinted as "The Earth as Modified by Human Action", mankind has now inhabited or visited almost all places on earth, he has even set a foot on the moon. Otherwise, the expansion of mankind, both in numbers and per-capita exploitation of Earth`s resources has been astounding. To give a few examples,: During the past three centuries human population increased tenfold to 6 billion, accompanied, e.g, by a growth in cattle population to 1.4 billion(about one cow per average size family). Urbanization has even increased tenfold in the past century. In a few generations mankind is exhausting the fossil fuels that were generated over several hundred million years. Furthermore, mankind releases many toxic substances in the environment and even some, the chlorofluorocarbon gases, which are not at all, but which nevertheless have led to the Antarctic "ozone hole" and which have destroyed much of the ozone layer if the international regulatory measures to end their productions had been taken. To recapitulate, human activities are the principal cause of the climate change.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daouda, my name is Alyssa and I am being trained to be a tutor in my ENG 220 course. I have been assigned to read and respond to your blog entry. This is a very thorough and well written response to this article. I, as an outside reader who knows nothing about the article you were assigned by reading this can really get a sense of what you’re discussing about global warming and climate change. I appreciate your summary but I feel that you over summarized a lot and you didn’t really focus on one particular topic. For any reader, not only me, this can be very overwhelming to read because everything it just bunched up and not very concise. While reading you’re post it is quite difficult understanding what the overall article is about. You gave me a bunch of facts about climate change and other things that affect the world but you bounce from topic to topic. What are the connections between them and HOW are they affecting our world? That is where you can use quotes to back up you’re evidence but I see none of that in your response. After each fact you must analyze it and interpret it in your own words and let the outsider reader know that you fully understand and state the importance of what you read. Sometimes I cannot tell whether it is your own words or you are just using the words of others. Make sure you paraphrase and for future reference use quotes to back up your evidence. This really isn’t my job as a tutor but make sure you re-read your response for spelling and grammatical errors before posting it on your blog because it is at times difficult to understand what you’re talking about. Overall a job well done and hopefully you will use my advice for future papers.
